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Ozone Water Analyser Dissolve Ozone Detector

Product name: Dissolve Ozone Water Detector
Dissolve Ozone Measuring Range: 0.00~2.00 mg/L or 0.00~20.00 mg/L
Dissolve Ozone Resoving Power: 0.001 mg/L or 0.01 mg/L
Dissolve Ozone Measurement Accuracy: 1% ± 1LSD
Temperature Measuring Range: -10.0 °C/50 °F~110.0 °C/230 °F
Temperature Resoving Power: 0.1 °C/32.18 °F
Temperature Measurement Accuracy: ±0.3 °C/32.54 °F
Temperature Input: 22KΩ /Pt1000


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