Koi Pond Filter

This is the new upgraded version of combi drum filter

Hot Recommend

YCM-01 Combi Drum Filter

These units offer the best combination (combi) of Mechanical filtration and Biological Filtration in an all in one, easy to use, automated self-cleaning unit.

  • Rotary Drum Filter Part
  • Biological Filter Part
  • UV Sterilizer Part
  • Electric Control Box
  • Aviation Plug

YCM-01 Details

Hot Recommend

Quality Welding

No need
to regularly replace filter media and clean the brush.
Water Pond Change
5000 Gallon pond using YCM-01 filtration system after one month change.
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Why Choose

Why choose combi drum filter

The Combination Drum Filter is the symbiosis of all our experience in the area of mechanical and biological filtration, resulting in a “Turn key” solution: you just connect the in- and outlets to your pipeworks and connect the power plug. The system is based on the principle of a “moving bed” using the new Combination Drum Filter biocarrier that is brought into movement using integrated aeration.

Instead of using traditional brush to filter fish feces, residual leaves, residual bait and other particles, use microfilter to filter particles smaller than 75 microns.

Two months of change
YCM-01 for a 12000 Gallon Pond
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Professional Manufacturer

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